Buna ziua, am nevoie de infiintare forma juridica pe domeniul de activitate constructii, cu posibilitatea de a desfasura lucrari in stainatate. Multumesc!
Am nevoie de o firma de contabilitate.
Buna ziua as dori o oferta de pret pentru contabilitate la aceasta firma ,in functie de munca nu de cifra de afaceri. 1.Contabilitatea primara o facem noi ,doar pentru declaratii bilant jurnale si balante.la balante urmarire clienti furnizori ,verificari registre, Lucram cu programul nostru OMIKONT mULTUMESC
Dear Madams/Sirs, Let me introduce ourselves. We Lucian Negoescu, a full time real estate investor in the Netherlands and me Evert-Jan Nieuwkerk a part time real estate investor in the Netherlands and parttime international interim project manager want to start a new business in . We want to set-up a new company in in the sector doing ‘Project Development’ and/or ‘Buy/Construct to Let’ of residential real estate in . For this we need a.o. an SRL, Bank account and Financial Administration to be set-up. Therefor we would like to issue this Request for Quotation to you and ask your ability to deliver these services and the cost of doing so. I am not sure if you have the ability to set-up an SRL and/or Bank account in the name of the newly created SRL on our behalf. If this is not possible please do quote the rest of the requested services. Can you please issue a Quotation by filling in the yellow fields in the RFQ attached? If you have any remarks or additional information please mention those in the Remark column. If you have any questions in how to fill it in please let me know. It is important to check first if you are able to comply with the required starting points (do note that not all starting points are required; some are optional). If you are not able to comply with the required starting points it is better not to invest time in issuing a quotation. The reason behind these starting points are that I and our Management Assistant do not speak n (Lucian does) and will be working remotely from the Netherlands. May I request you to issue this quotation latest the 20th of December? Looking forward to your reply. Kind regards, Evert-Jan Nieuwkerk
Buna ziua, am PFA de doua luni, servicii de curierat, va solicit serviciile pentru contabilitatea. Multumesc!
Buna ziua, am nevoie de servicii contabile pentru . Multumesc!
Evidenta contabila, transmitere raportari fiscale , CAS, CASS, Intocmire balanta lunara, intocmire si depunere bilant, etc.
Buna ziua, firma este in curs de infiintare, activitati de consultanta in tehnologia informatiei, am nevoie de servicii contabile. Multumesc!
Buna ziua, am nevoie de serviciile Dv pentru infiintare forma juridica, SRL, comert lenjerie. Multumesc!